In the span of several decades on this planet, I have acquired some knowledge and maybe a little wisdom. From the ups and downs of life, I have learned valuable lessons about understanding, empathy, and tolerance. Through various experiences and interactions with different people, I have come to appreciate the importance of kindness and compassion in our shared existence.
So, here are 50 Nuggets of Knowledge and a Little Wisdom:
1. Everyone just wants to be loved unconditionally.
2. Treat your children well. They are an incredible gift.
3. Be Real.
4. Guard your integrity above all else.
5. True friendships are priceless.
6. Be your authentic self.
7. You can’t please everyone.
8. It’s all about relationships and what they teach us.
9. We’re all in this together.
10. Express yourself. Don’t bottle it up.
11. Do no harm.
12. Say I’m sorry.
13. Ask for help.
14. Forgive.
15. Don’t beat yourself up if you mess up. Do better.
16. Play fair and share.
17. Giving feels good.
18. Ask questions.
19. Call your mom.
20. Keep a clean slate.
21. Don’t hide your light.
22. Own your shadow.
23. Don’t go to bed angry.
24. Don’t be afraid to say I love you.
25. You don’t have to win the argument.
26. Listen.
27. Enjoy the silence.
28. There is no, “They.”
29. There is no, “There.”
30. Be Grateful.
31. Have a good cry.
32. Don’t be afraid of “The other”.
33. It’s not a race to the finish.
34. Listen to both sides.
35. What you do, is not who you are.
36. Don’t take yourself so seriously.
37. Laugh a lot.
38. Be careful who you follow.
39. Question those in leadership.
40. Forgive yourself.
41. Get at least 7 hours of sleep.
42. Take time for introspection.
43. Observe yourself.
44. Be good to your body. Lay off junk food and sugar.
45. Think for yourself. Avoid Group think.
46. Check under the hood.
47. The more I learn, the more I realize I have a lot to learn.
48. You can reinvent yourself. Try something new.
49. Experience (good or bad) + knowledge = wisdom.
50. Be in awe of nature and the universe.
Self love is important